Reasons to Take the GRE Test, Even If It’s Optional

The graduate school admissions process is highly competitive, and your application reflects you and your efforts. It’s an opportunity to show the admissions committees that you’ve made every possible effort to properly prepare and achieve your goals. Learn how the GRE Test can help you stand out and how our GRE preparation will boost your confidence for success!

Gain Admission to Your Top Graduate Programs

Graduate programs want to see why you deserve a spot more than others and if you have the motivation to succeed. By submitting your GRE scores, you show that you approach graduate studies seriously and that you stand out from those who didn’t take this step.

Improving your chances of admission with the GRE test

Admissions committees want to reduce the risk of rejection or dropout. The more information you provide, the more confidence they will have in your abilities. Don’t let them wonder if you have what it takes—show your best self.

Access to scholarships

Graduate studies can be expensive, but the right preparation can open up funding opportunities. By submitting your scores as part of a scholarship application, you increase your chances of receiving financial assistance.

Reducing the risk with a GRE score

Exams can be stressful, but they’re inevitable in graduate school. Prepare now so you’re ready for the demands of your program. The difference between admission and rejection can be small. Reduce your chances of rejection by submitting GRE scores.

Keeping options open

GRE scores are valid for 5 years, giving you the freedom to change direction or pursue a new educational path without needing to retake the test.

GRE Test Preparation

Our center specializes in GRE preparation since 1981, with our students being admitted to top universities in Europe and the US. Our teaching model consistently leads students to high scores quickly and efficiently, without retaking exams!

Learn about our GRE preparation here.

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